• Folsom Street Fair Turns 25

    who doesn’t love public s&m, bondage and a frenchman who can masturbate for hours on end. oh yeah, most people. i however think its great. long live folsom street fair.

  • The Elder Jesus Does Tai Chi

    baker beach excursion saturday september 27th. possible last warm sunny beach day of the extended summer season. Towards the end of the day I wandered down towards the rocks and stumbled upon this elder jesus like fellow performing tai chi atop a solid earthy foundation. he was at peace and unperturbed by all the video camera wielding tourists. very sf.

  • Blinded By God

    I nearly blinded myself staring directly into the sun while taking pictures of this steeple but hey thats the life i chose.

  • McNabb’s Fallen And He Can’t Get Up.

    I went to Eagles training camp out at Lehigh University last tuesday. Long drive and long day. I stupidly stayed out till 4 a.m. the night before and had to leave at 6:30 am to get there. So I was tired. really tired. Luckily my boss got for a hotel room for us so between practices i went and I napped. I of course took thousands of pictures but we’ve all seen your average football action photos so i’m not posting them. After the first practice I was walking alongside Donovan McNabb after and he had just finished signing autographs for an hour. So as we’re walking i ask hm whats more exhaustng, signing autographs for screaming fans or playing football, he muttered something incoherently, grunted and fell to the ground. I was the only one around with a camera. very luckly. very wierd.

  • Looky here ma, cousin Georgie’s on stage

    President Bush took center stage, well actually more like far right stage today in our fairly frantic city of murder and mayhem. He opened with the obligatory nonsense of promising to fix social security and education but didn’t really seem to warm up or even wake up until he breached the topic of dare I say it… TERRORISM. Boy did he take off once those words purged his loose lips. His beedy eyes shot wide open like an owl’s on the move and there was no stopping him. It was fairly entertaining and afterwards I was mildly harrassed by a bored secrect service agent who most likely saw me as a threat due to my majestic semitic appearance. All in all a good start to my day.