
  • Portraits of Anna

    Anna, a brilliant mathematician and alluring model came in for some portraits earlier this month. We shot in three locations within my studio’s building, a balcony, stairwell and hallway. I kept it simple with a single light/ beauty dish supported on a large rolling boom stand.

  • Sculpting Biceps and Light

    The time, dedication and discipline it must take to transform yourself into this bulging mass of muscles is nothing short of impressive. I like noodles and cake way too much to ever stand a chance at achieving such a goal. Fitness shoots are fun though because you really get to play with light and shadow in an incredibly interesting way. William here is a champion when it come to sculpting biceps but I train and sculpt light. 

  • Muscles

    This was my second photoshoot with fitness buff James Baik. Our first shoot took place last Spring and focused more on fashion. This time he wanted to take a less modest approach as he’d spent pretty much all summer/fall in the gym. I could probably follow his same regiment and still gain no muscle. We decided on a darker more dramatic tone for the images and ended up with this.
    James Baik Fitness Photo Shoot James Baik Fitness Photo Shoot James Baik Fitness Photo Shoot James Baik Fitness Photo Shoot