• Sofia

    I was driving around North Philly last fall and caught a glimpse of this striking spot. The contrast of the colorful decaying leaves against the rusted metal and industrial facade was the perfect setting for some moody fashion oriented portraits. I sent my model, Sofia, a snapshot of the location and she told me had the perfect dress to match the tone. The building is owned by Verizon and I had a feeling that putting in a request to shoot on their property would be either ignored or denied. So Instead of asking for permission upfront, I figured we’d ask for forgiveness later. I set up two lights on rolling boom stands, one equipped with a beauty dish and the other I honestly can’t remember ( i really need to start documenting my behind the scenes setup) There was no opening in the fence so we had to lift everything and everyone over. I figured we’d have a few minutes to work before someone came out to yell at us and at most i’d get to fire off a few test shots. After and hour and a half of shooting various set-ups in different spots we wrapped without incident. I love discovering random locations to shoot. If and when I come across some place interesting I generally take a picture, write down where it is and upload it to a folder on my computer. I’ve got about fifty places I still haven’t gotten to yet. Any volunteers wanna step in?

  • In ‘N’ Out

    i was driving around my parents town looking for something to shoot late last night and stumbled upon this site. back in high school when i took my first photo class i shot this very same spot. it was my first time shooting with high speed film at night. ahh the memories. i’ve been looking for that original photo everywhere. when i find it. i’ll post it.

  • Slanted Shadows

    early afternoon shadows on a wall.
    jared.g | philadelphia, pa, usa | 4.7.11 | canon 7d

  • Hydrant And Lock

    when i went down to the basement this morning to collect my bike it took me a minute to notice my lock was missing. after tearing through all of my stuff i tried to rationally think of places i could have left  it. find it i did not. i immediately jumped to the conclusion that somehow i pissed of a neighbor and stealing my lock was their petty revenge, but inside i knew it must have fallen off my bike while riding. i decided i would retrace my cycling route from the day before in hopes of somehow finding it lying on the side of the road. i got all the way to target in south philly which is where i stopped the day before without a glimpse of anything resembling my lock. what should happen next? i got a flat. second in two days. my back tire is seriously shredded and was full of glass. luckily i was within a block of a bike shop. i quickly cleaned the tire, changed the tube and was off again looking, hoping, searching aimlessly. at this point i was beyond frustrated and angry. i then stopped at an intersection to adjust the ipod and looked over to see my lock hanging from this hydrant. holy shit. yes. my lock. thank you caring and thoughtful stranger. i toast this bourbon i’m drinking to you. cheers.