• Sunset Lake/ Benson, Vermont

    Last August, I spent a week at Sunset Lake in Benson, Vermont with my wife, daughter and friends. I spend 90% of my time in the city so this was a very welcomed change of pace. I hadn’t been to Vermont in many many years and forgot just how rural is it. I encounter more strangers in the first five minutes of my day in Philly than I did the entire week we were there.

  • Forbidden Trail/ Devil’s Pool/ Wissahickon Creek

    Natasha and I went wandering through the Forbidden Trail along the Wissahickon Creek the other day. We climbed steep slippery slopes (stairs provided to aid hikers), encountered threatening wildlife (some dog playing in the water) and forded the deep rushing whitewater river (wading up to our ankles to cross back to the side of the creek our car was on) All in all a lovely wander.
    Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail Walking the Forbidden Trail

  • Peace Rock

    I Spent the day at Peace Rock in Hamburg, PA with a lovely group of friends. I didn’t want to bring out the top level gear as I knew I’d be swimming most of the time and leaving thousand’s of dollars of camera equipment on the sandy shores while I swam around seemed unsettling. So I decided to dust off the trusty ol’ 7D and I’m quite happy I did. Been relying on the 5D MK III for quite some time but sometimes you need the high frame rate to catch all the craziness that unfolds around you. It was 40 feet from the top of the rock to the river below and despite having jumped 15+ times this old dude put me to shame with this one rad dive. Well done sir. I will never have the guts to join your ranks.
    I loaded up the photos into iMovie and put this little clip together. Sound effects added for your viewing pleasure.

    Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Daring old man does handstand drive off of the 40 foot cliff, Peace Rock, in Hamburg, Pennsylvania.

  • Three Bobbers

    finally went to one of the ancient kettle ponds in truro. they’re bodies of water that were formed by retreating glaciers between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago. it was an incredibly serene experience. many more to explore.

  • Shore

    this is my place. not this place in particular. but anywhere there’s a body of water. it could be an ocean, lake, river, pool, swamp, pond, lagoon, fjord, creek, billabong, cove, dam, estuary, harbor, stream, gulf, kill, kettle, toilet, tub, marsh, sea, reservoir, loch, strait, spring, moat, bay, bayou, channel, canal or a bog. BUT THAT’S IT. i feel really free when i’m in/around water. i could never lived in a landlocked state or country. i’d feel too trapped. almost feel that way in philly. i need to move back to a coastal state.